Planning on developing Private Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations network globally.
Dining experiences
evStation’s are a part of destination dining experiences
Augmenting Tesla’s Supercharger station globally. Estimated over 30,000 locations worldwide. Estimated over 100,000 charging stations needed globally. Resulting, more than 70,000 evStation’s required, by our enterprises. Possible, by private sector without public sector involvement, especially financially. Some at home charging is expected, and others providing infrastructure.
Recently, Tesla supercharging stations reportedly started enabling non Tesla vehicle owners to charge their electric vehicle. This is beneficial to the adoption of electric vehicles. We continue to learn that the enabled non-tesla vehicles have challenging circumstances with adapters and other issues.
At this time, there need or no expectation to have a formal business relationship with any of the Tesla’s charging stations, Tesla corporation or SpaceX. Tesla/SpaceX and other Elon Muck’s entities as a preferred provider for products and services because of their S
superior quality, uniqueness and one of a kind products and services.
Under purchasing policy primary one vendor, annually renewed, per category is planned to simplify purchasing and aggregate purchasing power securing the best overall terms and conditions not just price. Mini products and services have significant backlogs — one of the primary goals will be to move to the front of the line for hard to acquire unique products and services.
Preferential arrangements from: Tesla/SpaceX and other entities are always beneficial. Pervert provider arrangements will continually be pursued.
evStations to be independently owned and operated not a franchise. Fully supported stations will have many supportive benefits, modest gross revenue sharing is planned. Operators will likely have many stations. No upfront fee’s are planned. No geographic exclusivity is contemplated. Subleasing assets is planned under master leasing plan for infrastructure and vehicles. Potentially insurance umbrella on property and other assets including vehicles. Predominant benefit is marketing support subscribers local and out of the area. Don’t want to become a defacto franchise. Potential exercises could include a roll up of all the stations to be acquired or go public,. no formal expectations are planned.
Bulk purchasing, renting and leasing is a significant benefit to Independent local operators of EV stations.
It is widely believed that a significant amount of electric vehicles charging station (infrastructure is needed globally.
Currently, it’s reported that there’s over 150,000 gasoline stations in the United States providing fuel to millions of cars.
Electric vehicles are different than internal combustion engine ice because the fuel is not as vulnerable not liquefied petroleum products.
It’s very challenging to secure permits for new traditional gasoline stations for internal combustion engines (ICE)…
It’s playing that the EV stations will not require any civil engineering and permitting process it should be relatively streamlined and easy comparative to traditional gasoline service stations.
Energy storage is planned to be used transported by electric vehicles or electric vehicles a trailer which has the energy storage (Battery’s). Clean energy is planned to be used for recharging the transportable batteries. It’s also playing potentially especially for semi to drive to the location where the energy source is located along with trailers having energy storage. Decisions on the most optimal method are to be turned Case by case.
Electric vehicle charging is considered to be a destination therefore it does not need to locate on high traffic corridor or corner the app communicates the location to the consumer.
Subscription business model is planned making the evStation’s private the TV stations private business structure enables efficient management of energy to a consumer audience.
Supply and demand equilibrium.
The number of EV stations and the number of charging Ports at each station based upon supply demand and equilibrium, comprehensive analysis and on-going data and request for information reporting. Subscribers subscribers current and Future determine infrastructure location and requirements. The stations are established based upon requests and analysis the number of porch for charging individual vehicles is based upon analysis and request.
99.999 evStation’s operational performance
Unfortunately, many current electric vehicle charging stations have reported significant outage and unreliable operations.
In the telephony industry, a five 9 standard which means only 6 hours per year down time. TV stations in network shell follow the telephony industry with five nine reliability (99.999).
Platform business model
The platform business model has three major components first a marketplace second consumer and third the producer. The marketplace connects the consumer and the producer.
Scalability of the evStation’s is enabled by utilizing the platform business model independent operators owner control the local assets of the evStation’s.
Pricing strategy
The price per kilowatt hour charge to the consumer is dependent on the generation cost per kilowatt hour not to exceed local kilowatt hour cost from the grid.
Consumers have the option of charging at home overnight that will be the ceiling price per kilowatt hour charge to the consumer as a guideline.
Electricity is a commodity not a significant profit center for the producer other revenue streams have higher margins.
It takes about up to 1 hour to charge electric vehicle depending on many different factors including the semi trucks.
Most locations will have a cafe for food and drink operating 24/7/365. More or less services are available depending on the time of the day and weekends potentially. Self service is an option as necessary. The cafes will serve hot meals and tasty drinks. No vending machines are planned.
Domes are playing to provide comfortable interior space while waiting for electric vehicles to charge.
Recreational activities are planned including personally riding electric recreation vehicles: online quads and snow machines, also on water personal watercraft.
Outdoor activities are endless including hiking trails picnics apple picking and many other coordinated activities.
Indoor Urban activities include unlimited from singing including choirs performances of ballerinas and museum tours.
Endless opportunities to have fun for more than an hour our plan when the vehicle are being charged.
evValet is playing especially in urban markets electric vehicle is parked charged details and unlimited parking overnight or multiple days whatever it is required and wanted. Technologically depending on the vehicle like Tesla’s have a self parking and retrieval capability off public roads.
Site selection policy
Electric vehicle stations for charging to be located conveniently to owners and operators of electric vehicles current and future. This includes small fleet operators.
Individuals and small businesses are planning to be subscribers and users of electric vehicle stations.
Shopping center locations especially in the United States are ideal locations with existing paved and drainage infrastructure with Pad sites identified on many shopping center properties. Short-term rental / leases expected to be engaged with bulk and volume.
Greenfield sites including Farmers property works well EV stations do not require any infrastructure to be existing restrooms I self-sufficient (Tight-tank for wastewater, pumped and fresh water transported,) and independent. Utilizing graphic information systems (Global positioning systems — GPS) by users enables rural destinations for stations.
Robots (Tesla’s Bot)
Potentially robots to be utilized especially for plugging in vehicles and unplugging Vehicles for charging. Humans or robots are planning to be protected in Cyberbooth separately on site security humans or robots are planned. Tesla’s Bot is likely to be utilized.
Cluster of domes
The stations are to have a cluster of domes for different activities: Cafe and showroom for others. Electric vehicle repair domes and other on-site infrastructure is planned quickly and easily easy to expand and contract as necessary.
Renting, leasing and purchasing.
At evStation’s products and services can be rented, lease or purchased including electric vehicles. Vehicles can start out as rentals transition to leasing and be purchased at any time. The insurance is transferred digitally immediately and each stage of the arrangement.
Wellness dome
At evStation’s, plan to have wellness dome. Listen to wellness dome will be activities and programs for better health.
Including everything from treadmills and work out equipment to spa experiences with private Jacuzzis and sauna rooms. Privacy and security with cleanliness is the highest priority. Indoor and outdoor walking and running tracks/trail’s with training planned.
The plan is charge electric vehicles for up to 1 hour and workout at the same time, including have a healthy meal per dietitian specifications.
Day Spa
The evStation’s plan to have Day Spa infrastructure working closely with established proven entities and individuals. Extensive and more comprehensive spa services to be provided off-site at other spa clinics.
Fashion Domes
At the EV station it is planned to have fashion domes. Fashion shows and trunk sales are planned supported by others. All types of wardrobe support is planned from sportswear, vacation and formal attire. Everything from hats to perfume and accessories especially jewelry is planned head-to-toe and including shoes.
Men’s, women and children fashion is trying to be supported.
Unique parties are planned with fashion focus like The Great Gatsby therefore fashion with accessories for period vintage complete outfits are planned.
Women’s fashion is focused and high-fashion designers and entities are planned to participate.
Independent fashion advisors are planned with personal shoppers available.