

Version 5.0
Sunday, June 4th
6 pm



Advanced digital technologies for healthcare.

Healthcare benefits from advancement of technologies. It’s critically valuable to implement the benefits of new technologies for healthcare.

Entrepreneurs and philanthropist will change the world and make it better world with the creation, deployment and deployment of new cyber healthcare technologies.

Digital Transformation is the smart integration of technologies, processes including visual data with Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) to improve operational effectiveness and capability.

Digital everything is beneficial. Imagery digital captured in ultra-high resolution and real-time sharing is extremely beneficial. From a distance and from a microscope digital imagery including in video format has many benefits.

Digital Transformation is occurring in life sciences. It’s planned to include digitally everyone for humanitarian life sciences benefits.

Digital biology is an important part the future of technology with creative thinkers working in computer science today. The next giant step in computing technology is already under way as computer scientists utilize Advanced digital technologies and communication to make a better world.

Integration of advanced products, application services and communication is a significant value added proposition. It’s just the beginning of the digital revolution. Millions of humans possiblly could have better lives with accessibility to digital technologies.

Profiles for healthcare Missions like cyber eye care (Cybervision) proposing to help millions of people with corrective eyeglass globally. Innovative solutions to healthcare problems

Healthcare projects and programs are 100% created, funded and implemented without any involvement of others. No federal, state or local government agencies, no non governmential organizations (NGOs) or otherwise. Complete end-to-end control. Unfortunately, experience hard-lessons resulted in understanding of ineptitude when you involve others.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial general intelligence (AGI) and other technologies offer potentially incredible new methods of solutions to healthcare and other problems globally.

Mission focusing is important to success. All activities have a understood mission focus. Pivoting, is important to mission success. Real world situations dictate flexibility. Boots on the ground need command and control. Mission planning with pivoting.

Advance satellite communications, continue to improve dramatically with the utilization of satellite antenna technology.

Humanoids are coming soon robots will be able to perform and support healthcare missions especially in hazardous and/or unsafe locations throughout the world. Limited human involvement geographically is beneficial for healthcare missions implementation.

Advanced communication system planned creating a virtual digital-bridge. Between patients and medical professionals anywhere in the world. Ultra-high speed Internet connection supports improvement f5 remote healthcare under stable and emergency situations.

Digital microscopes use a digital camera in place of an eyepiece to capture images that are displayed in real-time on a computer monitor. Planning to share digital microscope images video and still in real-time as necessary and concurrent placement in cloud files, with secured accessablity.

Clear three-dimensional (3D) digital image and facilitate the observation and study of insect structure, entomologists use digital microscopes and shared will be beneficial.

Agricultural, insects have a significant impact good Bee’s) and bad on agriculture with global sharing digital in real-time digital imagy with scientists and other farmers will be beneficial. Clear macro and micro images digitally captured including video will be beneficial to marry.

Vision for millions is a fixable problem. It’s not necessary to have and patients physically together in the same place to provide corrective eyeglasses.

Multimodal Diagnosis virtually with exam-to-treatment.

8K ultra-high-definition microscopic camera
Planning on selecting and supporting
8K ultra-high-definition microscopic cameras. Video 8k adaptation to microscope is the plan for scalability. Video 8k enabling technology enables frame-by-frame ultra-high resolution pictures to be analyzed.

Eye exams
Technology supported eye exams planned. Potentially, using 8k video camera’s mounted or tripoded supports eye exams.

Portable vision diagnostic and patient engagement system combines medical-grade diagnostics

Energy storage with portably enabling more capabilities for remote healthcare. Charging with solar panels and other energy generation expands possibilities.

Electric vehicles designed for off-roading including recreational vehicles and water craft’s (personal & boat) enabling remote location accessible.

Scalable solutions are important. It’s interesting to offer an innovative solution to a problem. It’s imperative to have scalability, to make a significant impact to a problem. Planning, on using resources and assets that have scalability is planned. Prototypes and non
-scalable products and services are not considered for missions.

evStation’s are planned for supporting healthcare. Electric vehicle charging is the primary focus of the evStation’s. Many amenities are planned including healthcare.

Emergency situation rapidly deployable digital technologies for healthcare.

Finger Stick blood test
A finger stick blood test is an easy way to measure the amount of a certain substances in your blood, by making a small prick into your fingertip and collecting a blood sample into a specially designed test strip or into a thin tube for laboratory testing. These convenient, easy tests only require a small amount of blood.

Depending on the specific test being performed, a finger stick blood test can be used to measure glucose, hemoglobin A1C, ketone, lactate levels, and more

Planning to fully support finger stick blood test and more as required.


Planning to have biosafety equipment and procedures for emergency situations. Including for testing samples, assets differentiation by the degree of biocontainment believed to be necessary.

Biosafety cabinet (BSC)—

Also called a biological safety cabinet or microbiological safety cabinet—is an enclosed, ventilated laboratory workspace for safely working with materials contaminated with (or potentially contaminated with) pathogens requiring a defined biosafety level. Several different types of BSC exist, differentiated by the degree of biocontainment they provide

Planning to train humanoids for hazardous material collection and testing.


Information provided does not imply that any commitments by anyone has been made or should be relied upon.

Federal, state or local agencies including military branches and law enforcement agencies are not planned to be supported without even asking watch romantic movies

Forward looking statements

Information presented contains a significant amount of forward looking statements that may or may not happen in the future.

Open source

All of the information open source is not proprietary, it can be used by anyone at any time for any useful and beneficial purposes.


Digital biology
Digital biology is the future of technology with creative thinkers working in computer science today. The next giant step in computing technology is already under way as computer scientists attempt to create digital universes that replicate the natural world. Within these digital universes, we will evolve solutions to problems, construct digital brains that can learn and think, and use immune systems to trap and destroy computer viruses.

The digital biological world, In practical terms, means that we have “smart” devices, such as houses that will keep the temperature as we like it and automobiles that will start only for drivers they recognize (through voice recognition or other systems) and that will navigate highways safely and with maximum efficiency. Computers will soon be powerful enough and small enough that they can become part of clothing. “Digital agents” will be able to help us find a bank or restaurant in a city that we have never visited before, even as we walk through the airport. Robots may even be monitor our health.

Digital Biology is also an exploration of biology itself from a new perspective. We must understand how nature works in its most intimate detail before we can use these same biological processes inside our computers. Already scientists engaged in this work have gained new insights into the elegant simplicity of the natural universe.

Visionary, accessible, non technical language, explains how cutting-edge computer science will shape our world in the coming decades.

Digital Microscopes

For Industrial and Life Science Solutions
Powerful Analysis, Dynamic Imaging
Digital microscopes use a digital camera in place of an eyepiece to capture images that are displayed in real time on a computer monitor. As versatile and all-in-one systems, digital microscopes are used to inspect and analyze a wide range of samples across industries, including electronics, metals, automotive, manufacturing, and research. No matter the industry or application, our digital microscopes combine ease of use, flexible imaging, and smart features to speed up your workflow

Microscopes for Medical Insect Research
To achieve a clear three-dimensional (3D) digital image and facilitate the observation and study of insect structure, entomologists use digital microscopes. For instance, the Olympus DSX1000 digital microscope provides many helpful capabilities:

Extended focus imaging (EFI) to capture all-in-focus images of whole insects
Easy 3D imaging and measurement
20X to 7,000X magnification range enables accurate observation
A variety of long working distance objectives can observe irregular samples, enabling researchers to inspect a variety of insects (including larger ones)
The microscope body tilts ± 90° so that you can observe and capture an insect sample from multiple angles and obtain clear macro and micro images with one instrument
The stage rotates ± 90 ° to make it easier to observe and analyze thin samples
Below are example images of flies and mosquitoes captured with a DSX1000 digital microscope.

Agricultural, insects have a significant impact good Bee’s) and bad on agriculture with global sharing digital in real-time with scientists and other farmers will be beneficial.Clear macro and micro images digitally captured including video will be beneficial.

There are no hard and fast rules, but many eye care professionals agree that their adult patients (ages 40 and up) should get their eyes examined once a year. Younger adults can probably go once every two years. But there are exceptions. You should see your eye doctor if you experience:

Eye pain
Bulging eye
Decreased vision, even if temporary
Double vision
Vision blocked by partially or entirely by dark or blurred shapes
Loss of peripheral vision
Unusual or persistent redness
Unusual pupil size or shape
Blood in the eye
Excess tearing
Injury to an eye, including a blow to the eye or chemicals splashed in the eye
These warning signs fall under the category of an emergency. You should contact your eye doctor if there has been a significant change in your eyes or your ability to see. Excessive tearing, itching, and intermittent blurred vision fall into the “change” category, as does any new difficulty you have seeing or focusing on objects, nearby or far away, Stabilizing your vision could prevent it from getting any worse.

eye exams – Multimodal Diagnosis
Multimodal diagnostics meets practice management and patient engagement

What is a finger stick blood test?
Blood pumping throughout your body transports a variety of essential nutrients your cells need, like oxygen and glucose. A finger stick blood test is an easy way to measure the amount of a certain substances in your blood, by making a small prick into your fingertip and collecting a blood sample into a specially designed test strip or into a thin tube for laboratory testing. These convenient, easy tests only require a small amount of blood.

Depending on the specific test being performed, a finger stick blood test can be used to measure glucose, hemoglobin A1C, ketone, lactate levels, and more