Demo Days

Demo Days

Version 2.0

Saturday, April 28th

Asset’s demonstration days provides consumers (Subscribers & others) preferred/selected providers (pre-screened) interaction at the market place (virtually & physically). Show and tell with physical opportunities for hands-on interactions with assets.

Global plans for Demo days.

Periodically, Demo Days are planned with special days when new assets become available. 

Electric Vehicles

All asset’s planned to be electric. 

Vertical integration

Commercial products (asset’s) selection’s based upon custom special screening criteria. The assets have a useful purposes. Assets are extremely critical to fulfilment of missions and day-to-day operations benefiting participants.

General services administration (GSA)

Transaction with the United States federal government agencies can benefit from being on the General services administration (GSA) schedule. Although we are not playing to European market to just have a good Macy’s it’s completely significantly beneficial for your current providers parts to be listed. Providers can get all the GSA schedule with using outside support the third-parties and special support.


The electric vehicle stations (evStation’s) to be primary location for asset’s. Stations are the main location for: testing, training, accessibly to asset’s. Electric charging provided at stations 


During demonstration days participants are planned to directly interact with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). 


The assets are planned to have many multimedia on-demand for many purposes.


Currently, it’s planned to have a combination of Open-House and appointment format. The plan is have Demo Days at urban locations especially at the shop, during the week. 

Expecting to have demo days at the farm on weekends.

The Shop

It’s planned to have Shop’s in urban areas. The shops planned to have complete inventory of all assets, a working shop with technicians.

The urban shops provide communion access to assets, services including repair an charging.

The Farm

Planning to have Farm’s within close proximity to urban markets. The farms are planned to have solar panels for clean energy generation. The energy planned to be captured by energy storage with portable by electric vehicles some by commercial trailers.

Possibly farms grow and/or biofuels: grass and wood pellets,. including generating clean energy transfered to portable energy storage.

The farm intended grow fruits vegetables for consumption at the cafes including Ingram and greenhouses. Also interaction with local merchants, distilleries, wineries, butchers farmers and fisher’s.

Acreage, the farms are expected to have many acres including out-buildings: barns and domes offer storing, repairing of assets. Shipping (deployment) and receiving is planned at the farms, especially for large and heavy assets. 

Compact Track-Loaders (CTL)

The testing and training with Compact Track-Loaders are planned at the farms. Some CTL assets are planned to be at the shops.


It’s planned to have equestrian activities supported at the farms. Horseback riding another equation activities including country horseback riding trails are planned at the farms.

Off-roading testing, training and fun happens at the farm.

At the farm planning a Car Barn for electric vehicles.


The farm enables testing training of tethered drones. It’s difficult in urban locations to have drones of any type. 

Take off and landing of ariel aircraft of different types are plan for the farm with wind-sock and lighted helicopter pads. Possible at shops where allowable or pre-planned nearby.

Private Experiences

The farm enables: safe, secure and private activities. Executive Protection and other activities are planned for the farm, vehicle racetracks and other venues.

Dining Experience’s

Planning on hosting and co-hosting dining experiences including during demo days, at shops, farms and many other venues.

Executive protection

It’s plan in the urban locations and agricultural farm locations to have safe houses for executive protection program. Property to be interconnected with electric vehicle transportation securely.

Food and drinks

Access to food and drinks I was available especially for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Participant can participate in Demo Days while eating a meal.


The shops and farms to realize for polytechnic (vocational schooling and more). Educational training expected to have great deal of flexibility both physical and virtually or maximum convenience and learning.


Shop, Farm and other facilities are accessible for supporting participants charitable activities. 


Tesla’s Bot it doesn’t robots are planned to be at both c shops and farms for many purposes.

Renting, leasing and purchasing

All asset’s are available to participants and others for renting, leasing and purchasing.

Emergency response and other special mission supported from the shop and farm with and with  and without human personnel expected to include humanoids.


It’s planned to have facilities at or near water. This is important for testing, training and for fun utilizing watercraft for participants.

Cyber boats, Watercraft’s testing and training important for learning and preparation for responding to emergency and other mission support.

Communications system

All facilities to have advanced communication system utilizing global satellites for high-speed internet connection. Rapidly deployable portable systems for participants and others. Pick up, drop off and delivery from shops and farms planned.

Dual locations 

It’s beneficial to have separate locations of assets in the urban and suburban areas to ensure accessibility to assets.


Shop and farm accessible to participants 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. Some parts of the properties planning to be locked-off and private. Including complete buildings.


Some of the information and plans may and may not be implemented.

Forward-looking statements

Some of the concepts and ideas contained forward looking statements and may not occur.

Open source

Content is open source not proprietary