Advance Communication Technology (ACT) version 3.0 Tuesday 10:30 pm
Electric Vehicle’s (EVs) and many other autonomously operated electric equipment assets, benefit for connection.
Fully assisted driving (FAD) also referred by some electric vehicle manufacturer’s as Full Self Driving (FSD) and Autopilot offering autonomous vehicle functionality benefit from Internet connection.
Wired and wireless Internet connection’s are extremely beneficial for many reasons. Consumers, use communication technologies in many different ways. Many, consumers use use is predominantly for voice or video purposes. Real-time interactive conversations have purposefulness.
Communications technologies and service providers pretty many different methods of communication. Each visit current and future has your positive and negative features. It’s extremely difficult to determine the most beneficial reasons and communication across all spectrums including: geographically because they ever evolving communication technologies.
Participants expect and required a proposed solution for communication.
It’s essential to select a currently commercially available technological solution for advanced communication.
Depending on the requirement of the consumer/participant a wired solution may be proposed. Continuation, the use of wired connection is highly possible.
Satellite communications technology has rapidly advanced, wireless communication system has many benefits. Rapid deployment and an excellent option for redundancy and mobility.
Starlink by SpaceX advanced communication technology (ACT) has been selected as I preferred provider for participants.
Planning to be Value-added reseller (VAR).
Turnkey solutions are planned for participants. All situations for participants/consumers will be carefully analyzed and solution provided.
Subscription model is planned participants subscribe with different levels of subscriptions available.
Low earth orbit (LEO) satellites enable antenna connection with communication systems supporting multimedia content bi-directional.
Current and new high-technology equipment requires internet connection. The purpose of advanced communication technology is not for voice communication or other recreational purposes. The communication system intention and purpose is it benefit from all the features of Advanced Equipment including autonomous operations for supporting activities with the equipment.
Mission support requires internet connection.
Communication not plan for law enforcement or military activities.
Boutique communication services
Boutique very selective and very focused some corporate police for individual please is planned to be supported with communications
Advanced communication systems are planned to support nonprofit activities especially with learning.
High-speed, low-latency broadband internet in remote and rural locations across the globe.
Starlink by SpaceX Elon Musk
The advanced communications technology the plan featuring: Starlink by SpaceX an Elon Musk company.
Hardware 4.0 (HW4.0)
Communication plans to supportHardware 4.0 by Tesla. The hardware and related software reported to support artificial intelligence (AI) including Autopilot in electric vehicles manufactured by Tesla and Tesla Bot (humanoid). It’s expected that the hardware and software will be able to interact with Tesla supercomputer (DoJo). Potentially, independent individuals and entities, for profit and nonprofit organizations will be able to use and access the supercomputer for complex modeling.
SpaceX is leveraging its experience in building rockets and spacecraft to deploy the world’s most advanced broadband internet system. As the world’s leading provider of launch services – and the only provider with an orbital class reusable rocket – SpaceX has deep experience with both spacecraft and on-orbit operations
Streaming, video calls More
With Starlink, users can engage in activities that historically have not been possible with satellite internet.
Starlink’s high-speed, low-latency service is made possible via the world’s largest constellation of highly advanced satellites operating in a low orbit around the Earth
Engineering by SpaceX
Communications including for electric vehicles, electric equipment, Humanoid’s (Tesla’s Robot’s)and more. Autonomous focused supporting participants/consumers, especially for mission critical Activities..
Planning to secure communication hardware and software that meets 5 9s
What does 5 9s mean? 99.999%
Nines are a unit of measurement used to describe the reliability of a system or process. The term “five 9s” refers to a reliability level of 99.999%. This means that the system or process in question is operational 99.999% of the time
SpaceX Starlink now available in more than 50 countries globally
We are planning to work closely with SpaceX to enable many more countries with advanced communication even spot locations for our participants.
When and as necessary when performing missions special requests will be made for satellite communications.
Designed Extreme Weather Conditions
Starlink is designed to withstand extreme weather conditions including cold, heat, hail, sleet, heavy rain, gale force winds, and even rocket engines. This means the service can provide internet access in disaster-stricken areas too. In event of a natural disaster, traditional internet infrastructure can be easily damaged or destroyed, leaving people without access to critical information and services. With Starlink, internet access can be quickly restored.
Antenna’sSatellite communication systems are highly dependent upon having the proper antenna, mounted and position for optimal access to the satellite constellation.It’s planned that the procurement team shall select the best largest and smallest antennas for communication system. At this time it’s understood that rectangle flat panel offered by SpaceX for marine application is currently the optimal antenna.
Currently are coming soon is it ultra small antenna intended for putting into a backpack, extremely lightweight I pray many benefits for remote access location.
Antennas have three primary mounting method: two-part Cone Shaped,
combined base-weight about 150 lb square or round pipe insert. Currently widely used fo parking lot signs & vehicle related signs). Foldable tripod and track-device, electric motorized base. Theses methods and others are ha selected, will be tested, including in a wind tunnel test and training for deployment. Training included humanoids.
The planned base antenna and other support systems do not require penetrating the surface: temporarily, semi-permanently or permanently. Deployment of bases happens quickly and easily, indoors and outdoors. No negative impact on surfaces and designed to handle high-winds and adverse weather conditions.Track-electric motorized vertical extension utilizes a trailer hitch ball for quick attachment. It’s planned to use a trailer hitch coupler (pin-type) for quick release adding unlimited additional items for rapid deployment.All electric vehicles are intended to have pre-mounted antennas and communication system for satellite communication offered by Starlink. Unique and special antenna considerations are planned including for temporary semi-permanent and permanent situations. Autonomous remote control track electric platform is planned designed to be able to transverse and access zones where humans cannot or should not go. Humanoids (Tesla’s Bot) are planned to have communication support enabling positive zone access including communications.Shippable, pick-up indirect delivery of complete communication systems are planned. Placed securely in highly durable cases (know as P
elican cases) including energy storage and power cord Plus converter as necessary for immediate operational capabilities. Temporary mounting stands (tripod’s) made available another mounting systems as predetermined for location.
Communication systems are playing to be able to be airdropped in remote location prior to pathway our roads being established with special electric vehicle equipment or otherwise. Testing and training for airdrop communication systems is planned. Heavy load drones, are planned to be used for testing and training supporting communication systems installation autonomously or with personnel.
Custom parachutes are planned to optimize the accuracy of the airdrop of the communication system.
Special permits secured for any aerial activity.
Support by others is expected for communication systems.Communication systems, pre provisioned by service provider working with the communication team determines: one or more locations or route communication systems are to be used.Special considerations under the executive protection program to address
tracking for the ability to turn-off system to protect location as necessary.Energy storage provided for intended that require electrical energy. Hypothetical communications scenario
Newly established communication system hypothetical scenario: humans or humanoids on site at location where communications are needed launch the what three words app. The app will provide within about 30 seconds the exact location of the device reporting: longitude longitude coordinates precisely. That information is relayed to the communications team establishing the communication.
Depending if the communication team equipment, satellite system communications hardware is set-up and points to the satellite. Many other scenarios will exist including having the antenna mounted on the track platform and the track platform remote control or timelessly proceeds to the best possible location and points antenna to the satellite.
Hazardous locations for many reasons including commercially were asbestos for example is president or being removed, presents challenges for others. Communication system or plan to include air quality sensors and other sensors for monitoring air quality and other hazardous materials presence.
Unfortunately, it’s possible that many people can be trapped in positive zone and will require an advanced communication system including for emergency and medical services.
Technology refreshCommunications technology is rapidly changing participants are not intended to purchase h
ardware or software services to enable technology refresh as new and improved hardware and software become available. Smartphone
Telephony carriers are proposal to have their handsets (smartphone) immediately be interoperable with satellite communications system offered by Starlink (T Mobile) recent press release offer some additional insight. The communication team sell monster test and train participants and the team on the capabilities.
It’s believed that Tesla has prototype a smartphone, optimize for the star link communication system. Whatever the best solution for smartphones to be determined and provided to participants as necessary a quantities to support participants activities, while on the communication system.
Planning to support and utilize interactive multimedia kiosk. Potentially, mounting the kiosk on track system for mobile deployment.
The interactive kiosk to support posting messages and real-time communications by the communication network. Valuable for disseminating information in real-time to audiences especially on location.
Indoor and outdoor kiosks are planned. Expecting to your life large flat screen monitors.
In some situations participants current provider of telephony services are optimal. The satellite communication system can be used as a backup or for redundancy. Toggling Hardware and software is available to automatically switch in Access the most optimal Network based upon location, weather conditions and other factors.
Cost of services it’s not the determining consideration. Communication superiority is paramount for participants. Lowest cost solutions inevitably have negative factors known and unknown.SecurityPassword protected communications and other security measures will be deployed including working closely with security director of participants or other to maintain the highest level of security.GPSSGlobal position satellite system (GPSS) reportedly to be used with Tesla C
ybertruck and likely other electric vehicles offered by Tesla. The system shall be fully supported and maintained by the communications team.Unlimited types of hardware are becoming available and shall be provided as determine to me and exceed the user’s expectation.
What is the point of what3words
what3words is a really quick and simple way to find, share and save exact locations. The system converts GPS coordinates into 3 word addresses. For our own website and apps, we usually use Google Maps, which means that during a street address search on what3words, Google will point you to where it lies on its map.The App has many benefits to locate exactly in about a 10-ft x 10-ft square. The company is taking the entire globe and broken it down into unique squares. The app allows individuals on their smartphone to exactly identify their location and share with others immediately. Extremely valuable especially in search and Rescue missions We plan to use What3Words App. Coverage includes water locations.
What3Words is beneficial for our seach & research missions, dining experiences (putting for a participants to have their own private: 10 ft by 10 ft square anywhere in the world including on water. Nobody gets lost I deserted island.
Dining Experiences Locator
No signs necessary participants and their guests use smartphone app to find precise location for dining experience and much more. In vehicle navigation normally the starting point then transfer to walking to location easy simplified to traffic locator with communication system providing support including redundancy as necessary
Communications & Press Dome’s
At special events, evStation’s and other venues communications and press domes will be set-up. The domes will support testing, training and independent news media journalist. Hospitality including food drinks offered to news media journalist and their team, overnight accommodations in electric vehicle offered two news teams in remote location as necessary. Access to communication Network available to journalist including select content (B-roll) made available from advanced technology, in-real time or after screening to meet policy for privacy. Support journalist access on the electric vehicles has necessary been there vehicles can’t maneuver or navigate the terrain.
Participants provided intensive training on all communications equipment proficient for their own set-up and take-down when technicians are not available for whatever reason.
At this time there’s no formal or informal special relationship with SpaceX/Starlink, Tesla or other Elon Musk entities. It’s not intended to become a distributor like other retailers for Starlink. Is not plan to work with distributor retailers only directly with SpaceX to optimize receiving the latest and greatest technology and be prioritized on the waitlist for Products.
Forward-looking statements
Content published or otherwise contains forward-looking statements that may or may not happen.
It is intended to pursue special terms and conditions from providers and passing on those preferred terms and conditions to participants.
Coming soon globally.
What is advance communication technology?
Advanced communications can dramatically change how information is provided and consumed, business is transacted and essential services are undertaken. They enhance wireless technologies giving higher speeds, better connectivity, and more pervasive access to communications systems.