Al Security Assets Profile
Version 2.0
11 November, Friday
1 pm
Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents many potential benefits and risks for Security.
Planning on offering AI Security Assets to prospective individuals, governments, kingdoms and others.
Private sector focused offerings for friends and families niche. Fortune 50 Executives and select philanthropist security supported.
Executive Protection has changed dramatically with different threats and techniques.
Philanthropists, wanted and needed to make a better world. Encourage participants to participate.
It’s imperative to continually rebalance security.
Criminal activities continues to be critically consider as a primary threat. Many other unsecured conditions need to be considered: environmental, weather and other situations require security protection exspecialy transit treats.
Many different types of security asset/products for person security is planning. Electric vehicles with artificial intelligence is planned. Other electric vehicles, including recreational vehicles (RVs) and mobility assets are planned.
High-resolution (8k) imagery is planned for situation awareness. Audio for increased situational awareness and other purposes are planned.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled assets reportly offer incredible technological capabilities.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Security Assets.
Secured the domains/Universal Markup Language (URLs) for the offering: forprofit enterprises and .org for nonprofit organizational activities.
Additionally, secured: www.aisecurityasset with the “s” to be forwarded, both .com and .org for increased beneficial purposes.
Philanthropists, are encouraged to participate to help make a better world.
Executive Protection planned for friends and families.
Technology advancement, especially with artificial intelligence is amazingly beneficial for security.
Excitement for global AI security assets development and deployment, including ai instruction.
Artificial Intelligence Security development priority to help make a better safer world.
Security Assistance with AI Security Assets made available by renting, leasing and purchasing.
Technology refresh is planned.
Show and Tell at children’s planned globally starting in Washington DC.
Headquarters and showroom planned for Washington DC, Georgetown neighborhood. Digital facilities enabling 24/7/365 accessable. Town (urban location, US Federal Government,t The White House, Capitol Hill, US Agencies & foreign embassies) and Country Charlottesville Virginia farm location, about 2 hrs from Washington DC) geographic locations planned.
Urban location for physical show and tell with multimedia studio. Asset simulators are planned for training purposes.
Farm location barn used for Shop integration of assets manufactured by others. Testing and training facility at the farm.
Town and Country arrangement, planned globallbally.
Advanced communication system, especially space satellite technologies potentially offer continuous connection globally.
Military and law enforcement
AI security assets are not planned for military branches or law enforcement directly.
AI security assets are manufactured by others and integrated and deployed for enhanced security. No guarantee of availability of assets.
Forward-looking statements
Information provided for AI security assets contain significant amount of forward-looking statements that may or may not happen in the future or be available.
Open source non proprietary
Information is provided open source and is not proprietary can be used by anyone at any time for useful purposes.
What is the best describe for AI?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment.
What is the meaning of security in life?
Security is a feeling of certainty that everything is OK and that all your basic needs will be provided for. On the surface there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s great to feel secure. Abraham Maslow lists it as one of the basic human needs.
What are the 7 types of security?
These are economic security, food security, health security environmental security, personal security, community security, and political security. Some of the criteria associated with economic security include insured basic income and employment, and access to such social safety net
Something or someone that is an asset is considered useful or helps a person or organization.