
Status Profile

Version 5.0
Saturday, August 19th
6 pm

#stevenpaulcote #elonmusk

This “Status Profile” highlights the current status of activities. evClub has two (2) primary statuses. One is hospitality and recreational activities, entertainment relaxing, enjoyable and fun. The second status is emergencies. In between hospitality and emergency is preparation and transportation.

Many benefits to participants, for status response, exspecialy with on-demand emergency critical support personally available 24/7/365.

Each status has a color code. Green color is for hospitality status. Yellow color designates prep, transit and other unknown situations. Red color is for emergency critical status. Flashing red is hyper emergency, catastrophic emergencies.

The color coding system is planned for many purposes. At physical locations, on vehicles and other, special low-profile lights are planned, enabling everyone to see, visually the real-time status.

Upon changing, status the protocols change. Priority is on red status, response and resources are focused on ending red status.

Philanthropists, needed to help make a better world, responding to emergency critical situations globallbally.

Hospitality and recreational status expected to be majority of the time each year includes utilization of technologies and electric vehicles, including fun recreational vehicle experiences on land and water. Especially, Electric recreational vehicles for fun and pleasure. Outdoor kitchen utilize for food and drinks for participants.

Augmentation, first responders normally public agencies are primarily responsible for emergencies. Augmentation, by evSupertech forprofit entity and/or evCharity nonprofit organization is primarily focused upon supporting participants.

Public agencies and other nonprofit organizations, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs) respond to emergencies. Augmenting, others expected with Electric Vehicle (EV) assets. Including, high-tech assets mounted and portable cases, potentially providing increased capabilities.

Autonomous and other capabilities potentially enable entering and exiting hazardous zones, locations and much more. Hazardous condition detection with scientific devices mounted are planned for air, water and other.

Humans and humanoid’s (Robots) support mission critical situations. Protectiveness: personal protective equipment (PPE) is expected to be available with virtual (videos) and physical training. Decontamination protocols are planned for personnel, participants, and others.

Alert status condition is only activated, when situational status directly affects participants.

Executive protection program is part of the situation status system. Activating the change of status can be and will be triggered by many events and circumstances including upon request.

Concurrent red condition missions are expected and planned. Plenty of preparation for multiple concurrent deployments is planned and expected.

Stay in our Lane, disciplined response is planned with limited unique boutique capabilities. Not first responders for every situation and everyone not scalable.

Active situational awareness with tethered drone technology up to 150 ft in the air in about 30 feet below water level is planned.

Ultra high-resolution (8k) multimedia capabilities plan to be deployed in used for many purposes. Still pictures, of ultra high-quality are created from High-resolution video clips (8k).

Editing team side-by-side physically or virtually works with Participants or others. Magnificent, still pictures selection from video clips (20 seconds normally) are digitally displayed on high-resolution displays on firmware software app, the perfect still picture is selected.

Sheltering, many different types of temporary and semi-permanent Sheltering is planned. Everything from an individual umbrella for protection from the Sun to domes. The domes are designed to handle-up to 100+ miles per hour (MPH) winds. No tents are planned, low wind capabilities.

Fast set-up and take-down techniques are planned, including potential with Humanoid’s (Robots) augmenting humans. On-site compact track loaders (CTLs) are planned for many beneficial reasons.

Electric vehicle (EVs) video camera activishion is potentially possible. Millions of electric vehicles are equiped with multiple cameras and could possibly connect to Internet networks, providing real-time imagery. Planning to create a Opt-in video sharing arrangement for EV owners, users and private fleet deployment. Positioning video enabled vehicles to share video content to private network.

Actionable intelligence, planning to utilize supercomputer (DoJo by Tesla as a service, potentially) to instantly process video imagery from vehicles and potential other sources. Making command and control decisions. Pre-developed computer modeling planned to respond appropriately to situational status.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) potentially processing Trillions of video data imagery in nanoseconds. Planning to share and display relevant imagery and sensory data (Environmental status) including weather conditions.

Authentication, planned with vehicle cameras real-sharing content and other source video to confirm or deny emergencies critical events have occurred.

Availability, planned for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days per year. Never closed for responding to cod red situations globallbally, for Participants.

Non-military, non-law enforcement or other agencies status response With the exception augmentation, upon special high-level request. Individual active military or retired, including law enforcement officers supported as Participants.

Medical emergency support response planned. Capabilities are planned to include extremely difficult extractions of humans.

Rope-access certified train professionals planned for extractions. Supportive assistance planned for independent rope-access individuals humans (Humanoids robots, potentially) providing ropes, securing vehicles, training and transportation to emergency location as necessary.

evClub is focused on Electric Vehicle (EV) for Subscribers/Participants by evSupertech forprofit and evCharity nonprofit organization uses and makes available EV assets for Status responses.

Summary List:

Quads (kid size ATV)
ATVs (all terrain vehicle)
CTLs (compact track loader, Mini & Full Size)
Watercraft (personal & crew-boat)
Snowmobiles (personal & tracked vehicles)
Vehicles (Tesla Cybertruck & Semi, planned)
Humanoid’s (Tesla Optimus Robot, planned)

Likely apart of fleet assets including:
Sea-Doo Search and Rescue (SAR) watercraft potentially electrified internally or by others. Reportly, watercraft is not available to general public.

Many different types of electric assets. Each type different item has benefits and limitations. Some assets, have beneficial aftermarket accessories. Some assets have original equipment manufacturer (OEM) accessories.

Sleds, design for humans with towing capabilities behind electric vehicle assets is planned.

Advanced space satellite communications systems and energy storage systems, portability planned with redundancy (attached & Cased system).

Geo-location planned using Google apps (Earth & Maps) also what3words application with 57 Trillion pre-addressed 10 foot squares, including land and water global coverage.

Strategic seamless integration is planned, including training drills.

Outdoor kitchens rapidly deployable providing food and drinks, each kitchen serving and supporting up to 150 individuals. Multiple kitchens deployable.

Electric vehicle fleet planning to include electric vehicles on-road (capabilities of high-speeds reportly 200 MPH). Pickup truck payload in truck-beds, as much as possible, we’re increased maneuverability and speed, trailers as necessary.

Futurist, planning for potential payload rocket delivery globally, possible within one hour anywhere on Earth.

Instant imagery sharing planning, once video imagery is captured, transfer for editing and enhancement, including multiple languages. English primary language. Planning open-source, with protective privacy of individuals.

Non-military and non-law enforcement or large agency Status implications are planned.

Information is completely independent no assistance by individuals or corporations have been finalized.

Forward-looking statements
Concepts contain forward looking statements and no insurance that in the future anything similar will happen.

Open source
Information is non-proprietary can be used by anyone anytime for useful purposes all open source information.

Call to Action
Requesting Philanthropists and others to participate becoming a subscriber. Void where prohibited this is not a solicitation. Benefits and perks for participating, are endless.

Life’s journey happens quickly, being prepped requires preparation and planning. Having supportive assistance and assets available is possibly extremely beneficial depending on status.


Emergency Response local, state and federal agencies independent.