Philanthropy & Charity

Philanthropy & Charity 

(Version 3.0 Monday 9 am)

Charitable contributions as Philanthropist directly supporting Charitable activities. 

Donations charity.

Fashion for Good 

High-fashion events are planned as fundraiser.

evCharity our nonprofit organization 

Disruptures of the non-profit organizations.

The plan is to secure donations from Philanthropists (one or more) in the form of a pledge. Financially, structured like a line of credit. The dollar amount to be determined.

Milestones occur prior to the next releasement of funds being released… the dollar amount per transaction to be determined. In kind donations above a certain amount shall have security lean participants retaining ownership legally without the liability.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

New technologies including artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial general intelligence (AGI) are becoming available quickly, many times incorporated into products and services and offer many advantages while needing to be controlled carefully.

The nonprofit organization (evCharity) does not manufacture anything all products and services are off-the-shelf carefully screen providers with strict procurement policies to be utilized to ensure that’s possible results and behalf of the non-profit. Some limited integration including parts and boats are planned to be ordered based upon strict specifications.

A part of the value-proposition is the strategic integration of technologies into one cohesive product and comprehensive service solution.

Products selected offer excellent innovative performance bundled together with strategic combination of products and services offers significant unique capabilities.

Vertical integration of products and services offers many benefits and capabilities that prior to now did not exist. Potentially including supercomputing as a service with modeling performed by the nonprofit organization technology team of specialist addressing problems will occur with complete and comprehensive data analysis with scientific measurements. Accurate benchmarking shall occur. Everything including for example carbon dioxide (CO2) data -to- forest fire detailed information of standing dead trees, as an example, predictive analysis based on scientific data. Comprehensive modeling process through supercomputing provides guidance and predictability of likely events in the future.

In-kind & Cash Contributions 

Cash and in-kind contributions are expected and be more beneficial than cash. In many cases a combination of both in kind and cash contribution is expected.

Especially, for equipment that has long wait-list or not available commercially at all. It’s believed real world testing conditions are beneficial to vendors. Equipment vendors can be the operators and manage and maintain the assets while: testing, training and during missions, including exclusively operated by providers associates including consultants or employees. Planning that cash be paid directly to vendors for products and services needed. Especially low-cost products simpler to purchase in many cases that have special arrangements like with other equipment potentially.

Third-party independent escrow agents are planned to execute the requirements of the philanthropist and meet the need of the Charity.

Plan is that the Philanthropists provides the resources for Charity and on going monthly obligation.

Charitable activity (Missions, other activities)

occur underneath the umbrella of the Charitable organization (evCharity).

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charity exclusively and only works with electric vehicles of all types and models. 

Boutique solution provider. Mission performs movie based upon beneficially utilizing electric vehicles assets. Including advanced communication systems satellite technology. Antenna support with electric vehicles.

Many activities are are supported by non-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Federal agencies. No plans to work with others or support large scale activities.

As a boutique solution provider, missions are performed based upon solutions only possible with assets and personnel strategically capable and no others can provide. 

Many philanthropists are driven by a deep desire to solve social problems and help others. 

Charitable Donations Wanted

Direct donations accepted Philanthropist Wanted 

A philanthropist is a person who donates: time, money, experience, skills or talent to help create a better world. 

Anyone can be a philanthropist, regardless of status or net worth.

Participating philanthropist can participate physically in missions, suggestions and request  missions including support financially or otherwise mission requested. Participants personal missions can be preformed in behalf of participating in philanthropistParticipants can maintain a low profile and not be disclosed in any way upon request. Anonymous participation is possible.

In addition, the U.S. federal tax code incentivizes giving in a variety of ways, providing donors with deductions against income, capital gains and estate taxes for charitable contributions.

Technological assets with training of human and humanoids is a significant differentiation from all other organizations.Hazardous conditions for humans increase and necessitate the requirements of humanoids. Testing and training humanoids that were born cast and operate electric vehicles is a critical pictures of life saving and protecting health differentiator.

Unfortunately, in the past and continuing humans are sent into situations where toxins are present. Human perform cast with or without respirator and other protective equipment and unfortunately result in immediate or long-term health hazards. The plan is to test and train humanoids to perform activities of human test and provide necessary especially operating special equipment to provide lifesaving support and protection of human and animals.

Non-profit organizations and Charitable foundation have not changed in decades. Activities and message have not changed in decades. Disrupting the status quo is played. Advanced technology including artificial intelligence, electric vehicle equipment has changed dramatically and continues to innovate rapidly. Unfortunately organization and agencies at that adoption new technologies and not prepared for future innovation technology.

The non-profit organization is playing to file with the internal revenue service IRS in United States seeking 501c3 tax deductible status for donors.

Immediately upon the corporation The entity will be a non-profit organization. Planning to incorporate in the state of Delaware with the headquarters in Washington DC. The United States corporation will file in other countries kingdoms in kingdoms as required. Free planning and prepositioning assets to perform missions anywhere in the world.

Headquarters Washington DC 

Located in Washington DC the non-profit organization can request from the US federal government special logistical support and provide notification of the mission to the proper agencies. Most countries in the world have embassies or consulate offices in Washington DC over 180 face-to-face meetings with country and kingdoms representative is planned including building relationships prior to making any requests including travel to countries or kingdoms including traveling through their territories, to facilitate missions.

Regional Offices

Planning regional offices especially where electric vehicle assets are secured enabling direct interaction manufacturing (Texas, California) technological development direct relationships with engineers vital importance.

The Farm

Outside accessible to Washington DC, The farm open space acreage for outside storage of equipment testing and training and low cost indoor space the barn his planned. Rurally located in enables testing and training without distraction and limited restrictions, especially for tether drone’s or other drone aerial vehicles outside restricted airspace. Energy sustainable clean energy production with solar panels is planned. Limited Participation
There are no plans whatsoever participate in law enforcement or military missions. Strictly humanitarian missions are planned and expect to be executed with precision. Mission objectives for dominant include helping humans and wildlife.
Electric vehicle water assets have been determined extremely beneficial comparative to others. tethered drones that can operate in the air l on the water surface and under the water providing, lighting, audio visual information is beneficial to executing successful missions.Search and rescue missions are intended for humans and Wildlife that are alive not for any other activity.

Lessons learned analysis to be performed on expected and related incidents that have occurred in the past. Mark reevaluation and future consideration based upon new technologies.

Detailed after action reports shall be made public with detailed timeline highlighting the benefits of the electric vehicle assets, other equipment and technologies human personnel and humanoids.

Extensive, proactive leadership in technology equipment is necessary to ensure the best possible performance during mission clinical activity’s 

 Advanced testing and training is necessarily, with the adoption of new innovative: technologies and  technology-refresh.

Generational consideration is an important factor. Unfortunately currently the leadership of many non-profit organizations including at the board of directors level does not understand or did not grow up with advance ever changing technology. Therefore the adoption of new innovative use of technology is extremely limited.

Time is of the essence

In most situations timing of the essence to perform missions. It is planned, to have personnel human and humanoids with extensive electric vehicle assets rapidly deployable from electric vehicle stations positioned globally. Preposition assets enables rapid response.

Ready to Begin 

Most of the assets plan to be used are commercially available, at this time, a few key assets are expected to become available shortly then the inventory of electric vehicle assets will be complete. We want to be the first to receive test and train on the electric vehicle assets.


The non-profit organization with its electric vehicle assets expertise training and mission focus especially when achieving missions is and will be significantly newsworthy. The physical equipment is highly visual and beneficial with news media. Sponsoring a co-sponsoring activity will be newsworthy excellent fundraising activity

Electric vehicle fires for example represent important response because he continued combustion of lithium iron battery and surrounding assets. Augmenting first responder fire departments is planned. Training and response working with fire departments is on the agenda for lithium ion battery fires.

Expecting that high-profile search and rescue will yield significant participation including substantial financial donations. Multimedia capabilities of most of the equipment, will provide good video with audio for short internet videos and content for news media.

Strategic public relations is playing for the non-profit and participants with product placement of your equipment and more public relations opportunities including success stories. Unlimited unrestricted content made available in real-time pre and post the missions, for participants.Mission on demand
Planning to performing missions-

on-demand when significant supporters requests.

Electric vehicles in related equipment presents unique and special capabilities

PermittingPart of the value added-proposition is securing pPermits as 

necessary to perform missions. Especially internationally it’s necessary to secure many permits and Visas for hunan crews. Humanoids would likely present new challenges because of technology within the robots themselves (Hardware 4.0 HW4). Technology transfer to other countries might present counties special permitting is likely to be required, with proof that the equipment is essential to perform the missions.

Executive protection food and beverages provided to all participants


Complete transparency with executive summaries of budgets line item expenditures provided frequently and on-demand. Source of funds potentially remaining confidential to provide anonymous donations and contributions. The total amount received is the slowest only potentially the source of funds is undisclosed. It’s not believe that is relevant data necessary for public consumption.

Global reach

Domestic and international support of missions our planned.

Charitable contributions as Philanthropist directly supporting Charitable activities. 

The charitable organization as many pre-planned missions 

 attends to support including transportation of products and people.

Search and rescue has been identified as one of the beneficial application for technologies.

Executive protection (as necessary), food and drinks provided to all the participants.

Special clothing appropriate for the activities, weather conditions to be provided. Hi-Tech suits customized to size with helmets is planned. Apparel after the decontamination, washing: when determined or 

deemed necessary, is given to the participants.

Active participants

Special priority training made available to active participants. Equipment training is imperative prior to operational use of equipment during missions. Including Advanced communications equipment.

Special arrangements to be made for active participants to use and utilize equipment personally and professionally were they deem and request under the direction control at their properties or otherwise.

A philanthropist is a person who donates time, money, experience, skills or talent to help create a better world. Anyone can be a philanthropist, regardless of status or net worth.

Fun Factor

Dining experiences daily: breakfast, lunch dinner and cocktail parties, plan for it everyday at exotic beautiful venues and evStation’s.

Participants will have fun. Many missions will be fun, family members can participate in training and missions as appropriate. The all-inclusive characteristics of the charity are completely different than any other charity.

When the equipment is not deployed on missions is made available to participants for pleasure and additional equipment is available for pleasurable activities. For example the high tech infrared above and blow water are excellent to support sport fishing activities with an on the Cyberboat’s. 

Executive protection safe-houses maintained and strategically located, perfectly and stocked with food and drinks make excellent vacation properties, for active high-level participants. Equipped with amazing amenities including electric vehicles. Equestrian arrangements can be made for long horseback riding in the mountains or the beach.

High-fashion including limited-addition item’s with accessories planned at special events and truck sales. Expecting high-level fashion houses to provide their collections.

Both men and women attire planning to be available.

The non-profit organization efficiency and sustainability protecting the environment and without pollution.

Nonprofit failure

A majority of non-profits big and small are very inefficient and do not produce the results as a claim or want to achieve.

With the advancement of technology including artificial intelligence is believed that current nonprofits will fall behind even further reducing the probability of success of their mission.

Reportedly, some non-profit organization executive salary is over a million dollars. Non-profit organizations executive salary should be around $50,000 not a million dollars. Compensation within other organizations is not a priority understanding except it highlights some of the inefficiencies with budgeting and financial priorities. 

Non-profit oversight organizations like to highlight only large non-profit organizations the media tends to cover large nonprofit organizations especially when disasters occur. Then many of the non-profit large organizations received millions in some cases billions of dollars in donations talk about how they re-distribute the money to grassroots nonprofit organizations. US federal agencies have significant budgets win natural disasters occur significant amount of money are allocated and authorized difficult for the US federal agencies reportedly to acquiring assets especially electric vehicle assets prior to their need and requirements and little to no budgeting for training or time available when disasters are occurring or have occurred.

Many nonprofits report high-efficiency, cleaning that around 80% or more of their donation goes to Programs. Meaning that about 20% is overhead. The 80/20 ratio is always very interesting in extremely subjective. Most supporters would like to see 100% of fundraising going towards programs. Some non-program overhead is necessary to be functional. The amount of overhead should be extremely low single-digit is believed, with some negotiations and creativity.

Truly measuring current nonprofits Programs: cost, expenses and actual achievements is highly-suspect. Reportedly, less than 50% of Grants ever achieve their objectives. 

Most non-profit organization leadership has limited or no real World experience. Do-gooders like to feel good, it makes great cocktail party discussion. In the real world it’s important to achieve and report measurable goals. Quantitative analysis is important. When the mission is to save someone with church and Rescue mission the results are self-evident did you save the human or animal, alive. The missions: yes or no very simple. 

Electric vehicle equipment assets must be fully understood and have past experience with operating vehicles. If you’ve never been on  machine’s it’s hard to understand the importance and operational capabilities and limitations. 

Technologies including humanoids are now just becoming available it’s impossible for anyone to have experience of an item that never existed before. What’s important is to gain access to revolutionary new items thoroughly test and train others on his full range of capabilities to be ready to go and use to the new assets to it’s maximum capability to achievement mission objective.



  1. the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.


What is the real meaning of charity?

generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering


What are the four elements of the theory of disruption?

This illustration shows four important elements of the theory of disruptive innovation: (1) sustaining innovation, (2) overshoot of customer needs, (3) the emergence of a disruptive innovation to which incumbents have the ability to respond, and (4) incumbent firms floundering as they are disrupted.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

Does WWF actually help animals?

WWF works to help local communities conserve the natural resources they depend upon; transform markets and policies toward sustainability; and protect and restore species and their habitats. Our efforts ensure that the value of nature is reflected in decision-making from a local to a global scale.

How much of my money actually goes to WWF?

We pride ourselves on being good stewards of our members’ contributions. We are pleased to report that in fiscal year 2019, total fundraising and administrative costs, including salaries, represented only 19% of our expenses. That means that 81% of contributions went directly to our conservation programs

How much money does the CEO of WWF make?

$1,127,575: Carter Roberts, President and CEO. $ 550,209: Margaret Ackerley, SVP and General Counsel