Educational Project — Polytechnic
New Project includes: supporting and establishing Educational Institutions. The Educational Project, augments: evSupertech and evCharity.
Electric Vehicle’s (EVs) need Technicians. All the evStations need certified Technicians, in abundance, therefore, we will support the EV certification process and other Programs.
Polytechnic, will be the type of institution. Academic and vocational schooling: is beneficial real job opportunities now and forever.
Domain planned: Polytechnic and use education extension: “Polytechnic.Education” knowing that the extension .edu for education has significant complications including having an established educational institution,
Therefore, the plan currently is to use the whole word education and then trim -it-down to edu when possible in the future.
Supported by innovative entrepreneurs and many others will provide significant Grant’s for startup and very importantly Intellectual Property (IP), with faculty support from corporate personnel. Many successful business entrepreneur, believes in open source information sharing.
Endowed Institutions, pre-approved Grant’s.
Many philanthropists, corporations and other’s will participate in supporting education of passionate students.
Contact Information email:
evCharity will have volunteers to support Programs. electric vehicle owners will serve as volunteers with using their ev’s for transportation of Products and as acceptable transportation of People. Many other Volunteers will preform critical tasks to support Programs and organizational activities like cooking, driving and techolocal socal media, website development and maintenance. Advanced multimedia is planned with video productions
I should add a note here to explain why addressing partial autonomy now, rather than waiting until some point in the future.
The most important reason is that, when used correctly, it is already significantly safer than a person driving by themselves and it would therefore be morally reprehensible to delay release simply for fear of bad press or some mercantile calculation of legal liability.
Fully support using Advanced Driver Systems, including enhanced Autopilot.